Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Lost a piece of my Heart

The pain of losing someone who is close to your heart is very devastating. My father, Keith Grant is one of many who have lost his battle with the coronavirus on April 6th, 2020. This news has shocked me, my family, and his friends to the core of our heart. I already knew that my father had an ability to connect with people on a personal level but I never knew that he was a celebrity.

He was very passionate about me, Kevin, Kayandra, and Paula. He would sing praises of us to all of his friends. Looking through his Facebook profile, detail the type of man he was. No matter what, he was always bringing laughter to everybody that he knows. No wonder, I am always smiling and cracking jokes when I am speaking with people. I hate that he is gone and I constantly feel like it is my fault. It hurt so much, not being able to make fun of him anymore.

I was away for two years in a different state and I just move back into the house with dad. He got sick and passed away. A week after I came back and he is gone. My thought process keeps going around in my head "this I do this?" or "is this my fault?" I know that he was proud of me but I always felt that I was not there yet to tell him that I made it.

I have lost a father and a chuck of my heart. I will never get that back and I don't know why. I will always love him and will continue his legacy no matter what. He always told me that you are a Grant which means a king and you must follow your path no matter what.

I love you dad and please look out for me and my siblings like you have always done.

Korey Grant

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