Thursday, March 19, 2020

Growth of a Good Man

Hello Everybody,

I have always wonder what sort of knowledge and experience does it take to be a good man. Do you grow into it or do you hit roadblock several times to level into that path? You must be wondering why I am asking this during my stage of life. Was it because of my upbringing or is it because I just did not know any better?

Now it wouldn't be appropriate to continue this discussion without looking into my past. As they say, nothing is venture unless we understand our past. I think I had a good childhood but nothing is always flowers and sunshine. A boy can only gain the right path if he was taught by a father figure but not everything child has that opportunity. Either the father was in their life but was never taught anything or the father was not there in the first place. This is a dilemma when a boy is finally about to hit 30 years old and he still does not know what ingredients he is missing to become his true self.

If only it was easy as mixing the right ingredients as shown in the TV show, Powerpuff girls which came out back in the '90s. I am going off-topic, let me focus on back on this question: what goes into a good man? Who decides if you are a good man? Is it society, your peers, or yourself? I believe that sooner or later, your soul or mind will hit a roadblock and that is when you need to decide to level up or go back to ground zero.

I have hit that roadblock with the many failed relationships and it is up to me to take that final step to pursue a deeper path. You must think that I blame my upbringing but that is further from the truth. Sure, it would be great if I was guided properly so I did not make terrible choices but I don't have time influence powers. That was great but it is time for me to forgive the past and move onward into walking into the golden guideline of being a good man. Whether women of this era appreciate that or not, only time will tell.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Struggle of a Heartache

Hello Everybody,

The pain of the heart is a unique circumstance since it can range from loneliness to heartbreak. Now I could go out of the way to break down the different categories when it pertains to each subject. But alas, I am not a philosopher and my goal is to demonstrate what goes into a heartbreak. From the beginning to end and I hope you readers can understand what this truly means.

When it comes to a relationship, there are different categories and perceptions of how people view each interaction. Now I am only going to focus on the granddaddy of them all which is the main purpose of why men and women fall in love and get married. Whether this concept will still be around after 10 more years is not my problem. What goes into a relationship when a man first meets a woman starts with trust. Now I believe that everything else is secondary because what comes with trust, respect will always follow along. Picture this: if you trust the person 100 percent then you will always give your full self to that person. Since you are giving your full self, you are also respecting that person's judgment. I hope this insight help somewhat.

Trust is the main baseline of any relationship and respect is what should always follow. Of course, there are a lot of people out there that assume that respect comes before trust but that is a misconception. Ask yourself this: How can I respect someone if I don't trust him/her? Oh, you got confused. Now I need to get back onto topic. I have been in three different relationships that have always ended badly for me. Once it ended, they have always done something that crushes my heart into pieces that truly relate to heartbreak. The second step is to get to know the person and while knowing the person, you're planning out your future life with them. People believe that this is nothing but that is wrong. When start planning this kind of future, you are putting your trust and being into the significant other. Of course, this never pans out for the best and the relationship will end.

Now just because the relationship end, does not mean that you automatically lose trust in that person. It just means that you have lost a romantic partner and gain a precious friend. It just does not always go that way. You must be wondering about how someone can lose your trust so easily after being together for so long. The saying "Trust is hard to gain and easy to lose" speaks volumes. In my case, for example, it all comes down to the "c" word which is cheating. I can always try to understand why it happens but ask yourself this: why do you want to hurt the person who you once love?